Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Privacy & Confidentiality

     With the growth of new media, there is more concern from users with the issue of privacy. The whole world can easily communicate with each other over the internet. Many people, however, do not wish to share their updates and their personal lives with the whole world. Although some internet sites have privacy settings, it is difficult, if not impossible, to direct your updates to those, and only those, who you approve of. Also, with anything that is on the internet, pretty much anyone can get access to your information on way or another, and even if you remove a post yourself, it does not necessarily mean that it is completely removed from the internet. With old media, if you wanted to destroy the only copy of a book ever produced, that would mean that the book would be removed from the world and it would never come back, leaving only the memories held by those who read the book. With new media, that is not the case. Once something exists on the internet, in many cases it means that it exists forever in some form, even if the original is destroyed or removed. This concerns many users, which it is important to be very conscious of what you put on the internet to begin with.

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