Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Many companies these days use social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to find out what their customers think of them and use the internet praise and criticism to improve themselves. In the past, companies would have to use forms of primary research if they wanted to make improvements, in order to find their customers and figure out their thoughts on company products or services. Doing research in this manner can be very time consuming and expensive. Through social media and other internet applications, firms can now get their creative and innovative thinking right from their own customers easily. Instead of companies hiring people specifically to generate ideas that will please consumers, they look at the feedback they get on the internet to figure out what changes need to be made. Even Twitter used its own followers to find out what new features users wanted and made those changes happen. Internet users can easily use their creativity to generate new ideas for existing companies. Companies benefit greatly from knowing exactly what their consumers want, and consumers benefit by having their needs met by companies. This also fosters user creativity by allowing them to come up with their own ideas on how companies can meet their individual needs.
Works Cited
Cain Miller, Claire. "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers." The New York Times. The New York Times, 25 Oct. 2009. Web. 26 Oct. 2014. <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/technology/internet/26twitter.html>.


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  2. I was just thinking about this the other day. It's interesting how companies use free social media websites like Facebook and Twitter for free advertisement and to interact with their customers. In the past, before social media became popular, customers would have to write letters to companies when they had an issue and wait for them to reply. Now, customers can comment or post about them online and they can respond to the customers and handle the issue more quickly and efficiently. When people would write letters, other customers would not see their complaints or compliments, now it is displayed all over the internet for the world to see. Now they kind of have to respond to their customers, otherwise their reputation is essentially at stake. This definitely fosters creativity because now companies can actively interact with customers almost instantly and learn how they can better their product, customer service, or company overall. Great post!
